June Meeting 6/3 – In Person

We are meeting in person this month at the Great Plains Nature Center. We are going to meet outside. We have reserved a new covered shelter built in the northwest corner of the parking lot. Close to the bathrooms they have out there for the walking trails. We are doing a program on watercraft. Club members are going to bring out different watercraft they use fly fishing. There should be some different styles of float tubes, pontoon boats, maybe some kayaks, etc. Then people will talk about the pro’s and con’s of what they are using. It is a good way to see some of the options people are using to fly fish out of and get personal opinions on them. The club normally does a few outings on private water that because of the banks, they almost require some type of watercraft to be able to fish.

The red circle on this image is a rough idea on where we will be meeting. I haven’t been out there since this new outside shelter has been built. Just know it is close to the outside bathroom which is the building you see in the red circle.